Updated report - order
available weekdays 7:30 am to 4:30 pm CET
The online report is currently unavailable.
Please, request an offline report, which will be prepared for your order.

Company to be checked:
"Bambino" Marek Śledzik(crefo: 9416391343)
Reg.no.: VAT no.: 6342557424

Order details:
Report type
Report language
Delivery time
Estimated delivery date :
Information from Land Register
Reason for a query: *
I disagree to contact with investigaded company
I agree to disclose to the investigated company, name of my company as ordering a report
The permission to reveal the name of the client greatly increases the chance for obtaining the data.
Do you have a business relations with the mentioned company?
Additional wishes:
Extra options: (Individual price will be prepared within one business day)
Land Register information
Check in Register of Pledges
Site inspection