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Market Paleta sp. j.

(Crefo: 9411015972)
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ul. Wróbla 27/1, 53-407 Wrocław , Poland


VAT no.



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Commercial Registry (KRS) data:
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General partnership
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Are you the owner?
Did the company Market Paleta sp. j. achieve good results?
Share this information with your business partners and thousands of users of!

How to do that?

Order the solvency assessment of your company and get the prestigious solvency certificate and show it to your business partners and thousands of users of .

All the clients who order the solvency assessment will obtain:

1) The complete report on the company including the solvency index and probability of default

2) The solvency certificate in three languages (Polish, German and English) if the solvency of the company is assessed as: excellent, very good or good.

a) Three copies in png format
b) Six banners of various sizes to be placed at the website with a link leading to the certificate displayed on (example)

The benefits of having the certificate:
  • strong position in negotiations with business partners
  • increase of the prestige of the company thanks to the international scope and recognition of the certificate
  • confirmation of the good condition of the company

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Your report!

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Available company information: LastData validity Your report!

Available options for the credit report: (data from the following sources will be provided immediately after ordering)
Debt exchange markets info Thanks to us, you will receive access to information about receivables put up for sale on several online debt exchanges belonging to debt collection companies. 5.00 PLN
EU grants info We will check the data collected by the Ministry of Development and provide you with the information contained therein about the subsidy granted to the company (including the value of the project, the amount of public funding, the date of signing the contract). 5.00 PLN
List of public alerts of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority info We will check whether the company is on the public warning list of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF). 5.00 PLN
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) info We will check whether the company is on international sanctions lists 5.00 PLN
Real beneficiary info We will check the company in the Central Register of Beneficial Owners (CRBR) and provide you with the data there. You will find out who has direct or indirect control over the company. 4.00 PLN
System for Sharing Data on State Aid (SUDOP) info We will check the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection database and send you the data found there. You will find out whether and for what purpose the company received public aid and what its amount was. 5.00 PLN
Big InfoMonitor (Yes/No) info LABEL_extra_product_info_INFO_MONITOR 5.00 PLN
Your report!
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We have a detective license and offer access to unique services - thanks to them you can know what others want to hide.
Property check
Thanks to this service it is possible to determine all assets belonging to a company or person both in Poland and abroad! Our services include, among others detailed description of the real estate with photos, description of vehicles and movable property with photos, revealing of court, enforcement, criminal proceedings, etc. Do you want to know all possible services within the scope of property search?Click here
Detective investigation
As part of the detective investigation, we obtain classified information about individuals and companies. Our clients most often use the services of: establishing addresses, social security numbers, names, surnames (also family members), establishing bank account numbers along with balances and possible credit obligations, determining information on debt to Insurance Office, Tax Office. We also carry out non-standard orders aimed at determining particularly relevant and classified information. Do you want to know the scope of services provided as part of the detective services? Click here
Business intelligence
As part of the business intelligence, a comprehensive report is prepared containing detailed information about the financial situation of the company or person, photographic documentation of assets (movable and immovable property) belonging to the company and board members, as well as information from field and environmental intelligence. The report also includes detective information and capital-personal connections up to 3 levels of connections. Do you want to learn more about business intelligence? Click here
Contact form
Do you want to use Creditreform's detective services?
Fill in the form! Our consultant will contact you.
Here you can apply for the legal advisory services. To do so, please chose the required offer.
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Service details
Subject of the service Conversation with a lawyer and preparing a document or analysis and comments on the document - contracts, applications, suits, other writings
Cases, the service can be ralted to