Verification / address determination
verification whether the given address is real (company or natural person) and / or an indication of the current stay or business activity
Verification / determination of ID (PESEL) numbers
providing ID (PESEL) number on the basis of name, surname, address of residence, names of parents and other personally identifiable data
Criminal proceedings
determining whether criminal proceedings were conducted against the subject (company or natural person) and if the case(s) was/were terminated by a final court judgment
Court and enforcement proceedings
etermining whether criminal proceedings and bailiff executions were conducted against the subject (company or natural person) (final court judgments, bailiff executions and their effects)
Bank accounts
determining the bank account numbers kept by the subject entity (company or natural person) in Poland (providing account numbers together with accumulated funds or debts)
the rights of the subject entity or natural person against the debtor to request certain benefits (in cash or in kind)
Information on debts
determining the amount of financial obligations of the investigated entity (company or natural person), i.e. debts to Social Insurance, Tax Office and other business entities, including the debt exchange markets.
Separation of property
determining whether the examined person who is married has signed a marriage separation agreement with his spouse.
Local investigation
determining the detective by collecting information about the examined person from the environment in which they reside, i.e. lifestyle, social and business connections, social and financial status
Local site inspection
determining if the examined company is located at the indicated address - a report from the place together with a description and photographic documentation
Current employment
determining the place and type of current or previous employment of the examined person, i.e. indicating the current or previous Social Insurance contribution payer
Searching for sources of income
determining the sources of income of the examined person, i.e. current employment, income from business activity, benefits (retirement, disability pension) or civil law contracts