Company Comparison

Company comparison service - check and compare companies from

  • Check up to 4 companies at the same time!

    Company comparison service is a unique and free tool designed for clients of which allows comparing up to four credit reports. The purpose of the company comparison is to create and then transfer to the client a synthetic overview of the most important information about companies, thus enabling an overall assessment of their condition. Moreover, thanks to the possibility of exporting the comparison to a file, clients can use the data contained there as a material for further specific analysis.
  • How to use the comparison service for companies?

    1. Log in
    2. Download the reports on companies which you want to compare (we recommend comparing the same types of reports)
    3. Select companies and comparison criteria
    4. Check the results of the comparison. You can export the comparison in pdf format
If you are interested in advanced business analysis - contact us.
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Credit rating by Creditreform
Registry data
Legal cases
Basic figures (overview)
Business links
Further locations
Additional information
Financial analysis
Owners and Managers